

Hi,我是李卓君 (CaveSpider),目前是清华大学计算机系的一名大四学生,在人机交互与普适计算实验室科研学习。

本人对计算机略知一二,常用的编程语言是 PythonC++,日常工作内容主要是交互与感知方向的科研和数据分析。我在工作之外的兴趣主要是滑雪,目前雪龄 12 年,双板选手,但技术与雪龄不甚匹配,遂于近年来决定发奋练习。除此以外的爱好比较广泛,对三国杀和若干语言类游戏颇有研究略知三四,也喜欢音乐摄影剪视频,偶尔打打篮球游游泳,并于近一年小小入门了下跳水,但其中大多为三分钟热度,并没什么值得聊一聊的成果。自 2020 年以来,我成为了一名 b 站百粉 up 主(@我不叫肥君r),会根据脑洞随缘发视频,感兴趣的话欢迎关注。


Hi, I am Zhuojun Li (CaveSpider), a senior undergraduate in the Department of Computer Science and Technology., Tsinghua University. Currently, I am researching in the Pervasive Human-Computer Interaction Lab, advised by Prof. Chun Yu.

I have a keen interest in computer science. I am most familiar with Python and C++, and also have working experience with Java, C#, Rust, Matlab, etc. My routine work mainly includes human-computer interaction and sensing related research and data analysis. Aside from my research, my main interest is skiing, which I have kept doing for more than 12 years. I have much more hobbies as well, like TRPGs, music, photography, basketball, swimming, diving, etc., but few of them I could stick with for long. Since 2020, I have become a bilibili uploader. And I would irregularly post videos following my heart. Please subscribe to my channel if you like it.

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